
Procurement Strategies
and Tender Irregularities

Strategy is a matter of thinking ahead and planning for the outcome.

An effective procurement strategy is the catalyst to a successful project.

Decisions are made at the inception stage of a project which regulate the risk allocation between the end-user, consultants, downstream contractors, and service providers.

Aligning the interest of end-users and stakeholders in a procurement strategy is frequently overlooked in practice mostly due to process standardization which often creates impractical and unnecessary project hurdles – a measured procurement strategy is the key ingredient to any successful project.

Our team of industry specialist lawyers and consultants have decades of project experience.

This experience has afforded us the know-how of what difficulties are experienced in projects, how it is dealt with by the various legal systems across Africa and the capabilities to minimize these risks by applying the correct contract strategies. 

Our services include the planning and review of clients’ procurement strategies.

We advise on clients’ tender processes, compilation of tenders and legal assistance in the management of the adjudication of contracts, tender irregularities  and negotiation processes.

"Tiefenthaler Legal" is the trading name and brand under which the members of Tiefenthaler Legal and their respective controlled, managed, and affiliated firms and the members provide legal or other services to clients around the world. Law firms and consultancy firms that are licensed to operate under the trading name “Tiefenthaler Legal” are constituted and regulated in accordance with relevant local regulatory and legal requirements and operate in accordance with their locally registered names. The use of the name “Tiefenthaler Legal”, is for description purposes only and does not imply that the Law firms and consultancy firm that operate under the trading name “Tiefenthaler Legal” are in a partnership or are part of a global firm or company. The responsibility for the provision of services to the client is defined in the terms of engagement between the instructed firm and the client. “Tiefenthaler” and the “T” logo are in the process of being registered as a trade mark by Tiefenthaler Attorneys Incorporated, which trademark is pending.

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